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Home Groups

Join a home group which meets during the week. Grow in faith and in the family.

Join a Home Group today...

We recognise that many people are looking for more to church than just a Sunday service. Mid-week small groups create a great environment to further relationship with others in the church, whilst developing your walk with God. Our Home Groups run during the week with a focus on getting to know one another whilst equipping us to reach our community with the Gospel.

We have groups in Wallington, Chipstead, Worcester Park, Ewell and South Croydon.

If you would like to be part of one of these groups then please fill in your details below...

NOTE: We value your privacy and would never spam you

"A place to belong, be known and encouraged but also where you are challenged to grow and develop yourself."

Lenuta Vintila

"Small groups is where it all happens. I grow in my faith and in my personal relationship with God. We also focus our prayer into Mission Weeks and how we can help our friends discover the love that Jesus gives"

Maria Pailthorpe